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Air block perfectly meets the criteria required for the construction of a private house and is used both for the construction of external and internal walls, as well as for the construction of partitions.

One of the main advantages of a house built with Ytong air block is a high rate of thermal insulation, which provides up to 40% reduction in utility bills. Airblock properties help to maintain the heat in the house during the winter season, and to prolong the coolness inside the house during the summer season.

The high-tech process of manufacturing building blocks significantly increases the strength of the material and preserves all its properties for a long time.

The large size and light weight of the Ytong airblock helps to reduce construction time and labor costs by 2 times.

If you decide to build a house, you can have a free consultation with Ytong specialists, which includes:

  • Arriving at the master-demonstrator’s facility;
  • technical support;
  • telephone consultation.